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Depending on where the deformity occurs, hammer toes are also known as mallet or claw toes. They develop because of an imbalance of the muscles controlling the toes, leading to its contracture They can also be due to ligament tears in the ball of the foot (Plantar Plate disruption). Heredity factors, arthritis, and trauma can also lead to the hammer toes. While poorly fitted shoes can be a factor, the main effect is to cause pressure points, which can become painful.
They may be flexible initially but, over time, can become stiffened in a bent position. Treatment options vary with the type, severity, and flexibility. Identifying the deformity early in its development is important to avoid surgery.
Padding the hammer toe prominence minimizes pain. Taping may change the imbalance around the toes and help relieve the stress and pain.
Custom shoe inserts may reduce symptoms and prevent the worsening of the hammer toe deformity.
Severe hammer toes may require surgery. Recuperation takes time, and some swelling and discomfort are common for quite some time following surgery.
Exercises can be prescribed to help stretch, strengthen, and rebalance muscles and joints.
While surgery is the only way to correct hammer toes, it is worth remembering that it can sometimes be easier to modify your shoes to fit your foot rather than modify your toes surgically to fit your boots.
For information about the surgical treatment of hammertoes, please click the following link https://myfootsurgeon.com.au/conditions/hammertoes
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