Welcome to
Prospect Podiatry!

We are your one-stop podiatry centre where our experienced and friendly staff provide the most comprehensive range of podiatry services available.

Corns and Callus

Corns and callus are a normal response by your skin to protect pressure areas from excessive friction and rubbing- if they build up too much they become painful.

Common sites for callus include the ball of the foot, on the side of the big toes and around the heel. Structural deformities affecting the way you walk and high heel shoes can cause areas of abnormal pressure areas under the ball of your foot.

Management may involve debriding the callus, deflective padding, insoles, orthoses, changes in footwear or surgery to straighten toes or remove bumps that create pressure points for callus and corn to form.

We can assist by advising you as to what is the most appropriate treatment option to suit your particular problem.

Get in touch with us to book your next appointment now!